Fine Offerings This Week From Several Estates

Lot #0028: Photo: Sports: Boxing: 1953 AP and ringside photos of Jersey Joe Walcott and Rocky Marciano. Incl. ticket stub from April 10, 1953 bout.

Bidding is closed.
High Bid:$9.00
Bidding Ended: Thu, Oct 3  9:11:00 pm ET
High Bidder: 25
Bid Increment: $1.00
Starting Bid: $1.00
Item has been viewed 1,753 times.

In the first round of this heavyweight championship fight On September 23, 1952, challenger Rocky Marciano, a 3-1 underdog, had been knocked down by then-champ "Jersey" Joe Walcott. In the sixth round Marciano suffered blurred vision from a severe cut over his right eye. Indeed, during the entire bout Marciano seemed willing to absorb head shots from Walcott in order to administer what became his trademark strategy: "kill the body and the head will die." This strategy paid off at 2:05 of the thirteenth round, when, arms low to protect his now pulverized body, the dead-tired Walcott walked forward hoping to clinch and survive the round. This was the first title fight and after this win, Marciano would never look back as champ.

Bid Date Bid Amount Bidder
Oct 3, 2019 - 6:36:33 PM $9.00 i25
Oct 3, 2019 - 6:36:33 PM $8.00 i405
Oct 3, 2019 - 3:45:21 PM $5.01 i405
Oct 3, 2019 - 3:45:21 PM $4.01 i110
Sep 30, 2019 - 5:28:17 PM $2.00 i405
Sep 28, 2019 - 10:32:20 PM $1.00 i25
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